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The Writing of Antica Zovko

Literary Portfolio

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I look to the world around me for fresh inspiration, and each project I work on is a unique and fulfilling experience. With years of experience and love of the written word, I am able to adapt my writing style to suit the needs of my client, whatever the industry and project type, without losing my artistic voice. I invite you to peruse a selection of my most recent work. Get in touch for more information.

Woman Writing

It was December 26th, 2018, 6:12 PM -26 Celsius Degrees here in Calgary. As I left my car for my daughter to drive home after work, by the Chinook Mall, five blocks away from our home, standing on the street and waiting for the lights to turn green, I got freezing cold. It only took me 5 minutes from the car to get there. Standing there I was thinking should I go back to the mall and drop off the car remote to ma lil birdie, so she can warm up the car before she drives back home, or should I just go home. I was half way to either destination. As I was thinking and finding so hard to decide what to do, the lights changed twice and I still was standing there, now really frozen. As I got so cold, the thought crossed my mind: “Do not be selfish, do you want her to be that cold too? Go to the mall and give her the car remote starter so at least the car warms a bit so she can drive home.”
So I made up my mind since I could not stand cold any more and started walking towards the mall. Each step I made was one ahead two back, colder & colder. I heard the voice, that I am crazy and I should go home. Suddenly the air became colder, breathing shorter & sharper, fingers frozen, and I was about to cry. I kept walking and saying to my self almost there, almost there.
I finally got there. The mall was nice and warm. We hugged each other, smiled, laughed, she said that she was really cold when she walked to work, and I was so glad I came to give her the remote. After some time spent together, it was time for me to walk home. I spent all day at work and was looking forward to rest and relax. I was already bundled in my big warm scarf that I wrapped around my head & neck twice, and prepared to fight that ugly winter, and freezing snowy evening.
As I stepped out of the mall, I found I was not cold any more. Not at all. I stand on the street, waiting for the lights to turn to green and walk, I thought I am imagining it must be cold, it was still -26 C degrees, but guess what? I was NOT COLD. I felt like all the Heavenly Angels wrapped me in their feathers accompanying me to the door. And just when I got home, before I opened the big lobby door, I felt how it starts freezing again. PRAISED BE my LORD, GOD ALMIGHTY, FOR EVER & EVER!
This is my story, this is my testimony, this is my learned lesson:”Do not be selfish!”


LORD JESUS, I ask You to enter into this person who has need of your healing in the depths of the mind. I ask You to come, Lord, as a careful housekeeper might come into a house that has long been closed and neglected. Open all the windows and let in the fresh wind of Your Spirit. Raise all the shades, that the sunlight of Your Love may fill this house of the soul. Where there is sunlight there cannot be darkness. Therefore I rejoice that as the light of Your love now fills this mansion of the soul, all darkness shall flee away. And indeed in Your name I speak to that darkness, gently telling it that it cannot abide here in this one whom You have redeemed upon Your cross. Look and see, O Lord, whether there be any ugly pictures, take them down and give to this memory house pictures of beauty and joy. So out of all the ugliness of the past make beauty. O Lord, for it is ever Your nature to make beauty. Transform old sorrows into the power to comfort others who have sorrow. Heal old wounds by Your redemptive love, and turn them mysteriously into a love that heals the wounds of others.
‘Go back, O Lord, through all the rooms of this memory house. Open every closed door and look into every closet and bureau drawer and see if there be any dirty and broken things that are no longer needed in one’s present life, and if so, O Lord, take them completely away. I give thanks, for this is the promise of the Scriptures: As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. (Psalms 13:12) Look, O Lord, upon any memories that may come up from the deep mind as these words are meditated upon, and in Thy mercy fulfill in this Thy servant that forgiveness accomplished long ago on Calvary.
Go Back even to the nursery in this memory house even to the years of childhood. Here, also, open windows long sealed and let in the gentle sunlight of Your love. Here more than anywhere, Lord, make everything clean and beautiful within. Take a broom of mercy and sweep away all dirt from the floor of this memory room, even the confusion and the horror and the shame of ancient memories, perhaps of childish and uncomprehended sins, perhaps of the sins of the parents, those parents, those parents who should have been as God parents, those parents who should have been as God Himself to the child and who were not. Take a clean cloth, O Lord, and wash away all dust and wipe away every stain from the walls and from the furniture. Purge this Your child with hyssop, O Lord, that the heart may be clean. Wash this one that the soul which is created in Your own image and after Your own likeness may be whiter than snow. Look within the closets and under the furniture and see whether there be any broken or dirty toys, any old unclean rags of memory that are surely not needed any ore at all in the adult life. And if so, O Lord take them entirely away; gather them into Your own redemptive love, that the burden of them may rest upon the soul no more.
Follow the soul of this Your child all the way back to the hour of birth and heal the soul even of the pain and the fear of being born into this darksome world. Restore in the soul that bright memory, but which is rather an emanation, and unconscious infilling of the eternal radiance from which this one was born. And if even before birth the soul was shadowed by this human life and was darkened by the fears or sorrows of the human parents, then I pray that even those memories or impressions may be healed, so that this one may be restored to Your original patter, the soul as free and as clean as though nothing had ever dimmed its shining. ThusI pray, O Lord, that You will restore the soul as You made it to be and will quicken and awaken in it all those creative impulses and ideas that You have placed therein, so that whatever Your purpose may be for its human pilgrimage, that purpose may be fulfilled.
“He restoreth my soul. So said David long ago. He leaders me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” (Pslams 23:3)
I give thanks, O Lord, knowing that this healing of the soul is Your will and is the very purpose of the giving of Your life for us, and therefore it is now being accomplished and by faith I set the seal upon it.”

Notebook and Pen

Do not be discouraged, do not be weak, I will reveal to you. The road to the kingdom is not that smooth, nothing is that simple! You want blessings to come easy, right? Today everyone will have bitter trials to face, otherwise the loving heart you have for Me will not grow stronger, and you will not have true love for Me. Even if it is just minor circumstances, everyone must get through them, it is just they differ to some degree. Those who share in My bitterness shall certainly share My sweet. This is My promise and My blessings to you. Thus, during these last days you must bear testimony to God. No matter how great your suffering, you should go on to the very end, and even at your last breath still you must be faithful to God and at the mercy of God; only this is truly loving God, and only this is the strong and resounding testimony.

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"Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale"

Hans Christian Andersen

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Antica Zovko Published Author
Calgary, AB, Canada

 AB T2H0A1


Green Typewriter
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