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Writer's pictureAntica Zovko

A Journey from Childhood Enchantment to Renewed Radiance

In the enchanting realm of childhood, where the aroma of organic chicken wafted through the air, my mother's culinary artistry was on full display during Grandfather's visits. Nestled in a yard unrestrained by city limits, our chickens roamed freely, untouched by registrations or licenses. The memories are a symphony of clucking as I sprinted to catch and play with the lively birds, the peeping melodies of fluffy chicks trailing their mothers. Among the flock, my mother would carefully select the eldest, no longer laying eggs, transforming it into a delicious dinner.

The nostalgia extends beyond the chicken coop to a shed harboring a colossal black motorcycle, its presence evoking a poignant reminder of my father's heavenly journey. In the quiet moments, I clutched my oversized doll, gazing at the bike as if seeking solace in its silent companionship.

The echoes of those tender years lingered, casting a shadow of sadness that persisted for more than half my life. Yet, there came a day when a decision ripened within me, a resolve to bid farewell to the melancholy that clung to my past. It was a moment to awaken, to break free from the chains of sorrow and regrets.

Contemplating this journey, I pondered how many could summon the courage to embark on a similar odyssey. When is the golden hour to detach from the past, releasing the burdens of grief, emotional wounds, and insecurities? The answer, it seemed, lay in the call to action: wake up, stand up, rise up. The time for renewal is now.

As I reminisce about those childhood days, I extend the same wish to all beautiful souls: May you find pride, joy, and soul-lifting moments today. In Calgary, where the day is kissed by a Chinook, may you step outside without a jacket, basking in the radiant sun that mirrors the brightness within your souls. Stay blessed, stay beautiful, stay focused, stay bright, and let your inner light shine and rise. Much love to you all.

Author, Antica Zovko

Putovanje od Carobnosti Djetinjstva do Obnovljenog Sjaja

U očaravajućem kraljevstvu djetinjstva, gdje se miris organske piletine širio zrakom, kulinarsko umijeće moje majke bilo je do izražaja tijekom djedovih posjeta. Smještene u dvorištu nesputanom gradskim granicama, naše su kokoši slobodno lutale, netaknute registracijama ili dozvolama. Sjećanja su simfonija kokodakanja dok sam trčala da uhvatim živahne ptičice i igram se s njima, melodije pijukanja pahuljastih pilića koji prate svoje majke. Majka bi među jatom pažljivo odabrala najstarije koje više ne nosi jaja, pretvarajući ga u ukusnu večeru.

Nostalgija se proteže izvan kokošinjca do šupe u kojoj se nalazio kolosalni crni motocikl, čija prisutnost izaziva dirljiv podsjetnik na nebesko putovanje mog oca. U tihim trenucima, grčevito sam stiskala svoju preveliku lutku, zureći u motor kao da tražim utjehu u njegovom tihom društvu.

Odjeci tih nježnih godina ostali su, bacajući sjenu tuge koja je trajala više od pola mog života. Ipak, došao je dan kada je u meni sazrijela odluka, odluka da se oprostim od melankolije koja se držala moje prošlosti. Bio je to trenutak za buđenje, za oslobađanje od okova tuge i žaljenja.

Razmišljajući o ovom putovanju, razmišljala sam koliko bi ljudi skupilo hrabrosti da krene na sličnu odiseju. Kada je zlatni čas da se odvojite od prošlosti, oslobodite tereta tuge, emocionalnih rana i nesigurnosti? Odgovor je, činilo se, ležao u pozivu na akciju: probudite se, ustanite, ustanite. Sada je vrijeme za obnovu.

Dok se prisjećam tih dana djetinjstva, želim istu želju svim lijepim dušama: neka danas nađete ponos, radost i trenutke koji podižu dušu. U Calgaryju, gdje dan ljubi Chinook, možete izaći van bez jakne, sunčajući se na blistavom suncu koje odražava sjaj u vašim dušama. Ostanite blagoslovljeni, ostanite lijepi, ostanite fokusirani, ostanite bistri i dopustite da vaše unutarnje svjetlo sja i raste. Puno ljubavi svima vama.

Authorica, Antica Zovko

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