A good woman should never be taken for granted. When you find her, you have found a rare and precious treasure—far more valuable than rubies. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 31:10-12 (NLT):"Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies. Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life."
A godly woman is not just any woman. She walks in truth, wisdom, and strength. She already knows who she is—her worth, her beauty, her value—because her Father in heaven made her that way. She does not need empty words or superficial flattery. What matters to her is action. The way you treat her will determine whether she trusts you or walks away.
Understand this—she is the one who chooses, not you. You may desire her, you may pursue her, but ultimately, it is her decision whether to stay or to leave. She will observe, listen, and discern before making her choice. She will not beg for love or chase after a man. If she asks something once, she expects truth and clarity. If she has to ask twice, she is already questioning your integrity. And if she finds her own answers before you give them, do not expect her to ask a third time.
A wise and godly man knows this. He does not lie, deceive, or manipulate. He does not ignore her or make careless mistakes that could cost him her trust. He does not let pride destroy something valuable. Instead, he leads with honesty, protects with sincerity, and loves without fear. If he stumbles, he takes responsibility, seeks forgiveness, and ensures he does not repeat the same mistake.
A woman of worth does not argue for attention, nor will she compete for respect. She is a lady, and she expects to be treated as one. If you truly desire her, fight for her the right way—with loyalty, consistency, and truth. Give her security, not doubt. Give her love, not excuses. Show her, through your actions, that she is safe with you.
Because once she realizes she is better off without you, you will have lost a treasure you can never replace.
The Author, Antica Zovko
