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Writer's pictureAntica Zovko

Accepting Powerlessness and Letting Go of Guilt

Often in life, we feel guilty about things we cannot control, as if we haven’t done enough and could have done more. This feeling haunts us even when we know the situation is beyond our influence. Letting go and allowing things to take their natural course often triggers an internal conflict—on the one hand, we want to believe we’ve done our best, but on the other, we doubt our abilities and effort. This sense of passivity and uncertainty can lead us to believe we are not good enough or worthy enough.

The root of this inner struggle lies in deeply ingrained beliefs that we must constantly act to maintain control over our lives. In a society that glorifies relentless productivity, it’s difficult to accept that “doing nothing” can sometimes be the right and healthy choice. Perfectionism pushes us to question every decision, while the fear of uncertainty feeds our guilt. However, the truth is that life often presents challenges that are simply beyond our power to resolve—and that’s okay.

We’ve learned that letting go is not an act of weakness or surrender but a conscious decision to trust the process. It’s a display of faith—in ourselves, in life, and in the idea that things will work out in the best possible way, even if we can’t directly control them. The guilt that accompanies this process can be lessened when we acknowledge that we’ve done what we could and that it’s not our responsibility to solve every problem in the world.

The solution lies in recognizing our limits and practicing self-compassion. Accepting that we are not omnipotent frees us from the burdens we carry. When we let go, we are not giving up—we are choosing to release the struggle that drains us and allow time and life the opportunity to bring resolutions we cannot yet see. This inner surrender strengthens us and prepares us for future challenges.

In the end, letting things flow means allowing ourselves to be human—limited, yet capable of growth, love, and resilience. In those moments, while we may not gain material wealth, we grow wiser, more spiritual, and more connected to our true selves. 🌱

Autrhor, Antica Zovko

Prihvatanje Nemoći i Oslobađanje Od Krivice

Često u životu osećamo krivicu za stvari na koje ne možemo uticati, kao da nismo učinili dovoljno i mogli smo više. Ovaj osećaj nas proganja čak i kada znamo da situacija nije u našim rukama. Prepuštanje toka često izaziva unutrašnju borbu – sa jedne strane želimo verovati da smo dali sve od sebe, dok sa druge sumnjamo u sopstvenu sposobnost i trud. Osećaj pasivnosti i nesigurnosti može nas navesti da mislimo kako nismo dovoljno dobri ili dovoljno vredni.

Razlog za ovu unutrašnju borbu leži u duboko ukorenjenim uverenjima o tome da moramo konstantno delovati kako bismo imali kontrolu nad svojim životom. U društvu koje slavi neprekidnu produktivnost, teško je prihvatiti ideju da „ne činiti ništa“ može biti ispravan i zdrav izbor. Perfekcionizam nas tera da preispitujemo svaku odluku, dok strah od nesigurnosti dodatno hrani osećaj krivice. Međutim, istina je da život često postavlja prepreke koje nisu u našoj moći da rešimo – i to je u redu.

Naučili smo da prepuštanje toka nije čin slabosti ili odustajanja, već svestan izbor da verujemo procesu. To je akt poverenja – u sebe, u život i u mogućnost da će se stvari rešiti na najbolji mogući način, čak i ako mi ne možemo direktno da ih kontrolišemo. Osećaj krivice koji nas prati može se umanjiti kada prepoznamo da smo učinili ono što je bilo u našoj moći i da nije naša odgovornost da rešimo sve probleme sveta.

Rešenje leži u osvešćivanju sopstvenih granica i negovanju samosaosećanja. Prihvatanje da nismo svemoćni oslobađa nas tereta koji nosimo. Kada se prepustimo, mi ne odustajemo – mi biramo da se oslobodimo borbe koja nas iscrpljuje i da damo vremenu i životu šansu da donesu rešenja koja trenutno ne vidimo. Tako se jačamo iznutra i pripremamo za buduće izazove.

Na kraju, pustiti stvari svojim tokom znači dozvoliti sebi da budemo ljudski – ograničeni, ali u isto vreme sposobni za rast, ljubav i snagu. U tim trenucima, iako možda ne postajemo bogatiji materijalno, postajemo mudriji, duhovniji i povezaniji sa sobom. 🌱

Autorica Antica Zovko

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