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Writer's pictureAntica Zovko

Building Relationships

"Love looks for ways to help improve somebody else's life. There is no greater investment in life then in being a people builder.

Relationships are more important than our accomplishments.

I am praying for you. I believe you are going to break that addiction. I'm believing for great things in your life. Do not focus on people weaknesses or their faults. See potential in them that they did not see in themselves. See them the way they could become.

Rule: You never bring out the best in someone by condemnig & criticizing, or verbally beating a person down. You bring out the best by love. You bringing it out by showing people you care. f they do some things you dont like or you find offensive; they may have some bad habits, but do not focus on their weaknesses. Find something they are doing right & encourage them for that. He may do a thousand things you don't like, but find the one thing on which you can compliment him & encourage him for that. Our job is to encourage, build up to challenge people to rise higher.

Take time to treat your loved once by praise, admiration, & appreciation. It is your responsibility to build your loved up every chance you get. Keep complimenting him. that is a glue that holds relatiohship together.

Remember: Your thoughts do not bless anyone but you. Speak them out. Every day try to find somebody you can compliment, someone you can build up. The only thing that lasts is the investment we make in other people's life. I want to inspire the best in my friends, & if you make somebody else's day, God will make yours.

Spend your time with people who will strive to bring the best out of you. Bring out the best in the people that God has put in your life. God will bring out the best in you. You are never more like God than when you give & the closest thing to his heart is helping others.

Learning to adopt - as long as you are bringing up pain from the past, you are going to have strife in your present. Make allowances for your loved one for her/his weaknesses just as she/he does yours. Quit making a big deal out of something. When you cover a person's weaknesses & go the extra mile to keep strife out of your home, you are sowing a seed for God to do a work in that other person.

Remember: You cannot change people, only God can. We need to adopt & adjust in order to keep peace. The Bible does not say that other people should adopt & adjust to us. If we are going to have peace, we have to be willing to change.

We have to make adjustments in order to keep the peace. You have to swallow your pride sometimes. Do it yourself & do not go announce to him that you did. Just do it & keep your mouth closed. You may not realized it but when you do your part to keep strife out of your relationships, you are nonoring God. When you are honoring God, He will always honor you.

When you saw seeds of mercy & kindness, you will begin to see your relationships improve. Don't be so proud that you always have to prove your point. Swallow your pride & consider somebody else's opinion. You may think you are right, but there is a chance you could be wrong.

Strife is chipping away at your foundation, & unless you decide to do something about it soon your life could crumble into a mess. Maybe you have been at odds with somebody - go to that person & make things right. Swallow your pride & appologize even if it was not your fault. Keep the peace. It is not always about being right. It is about keeping strife out of your life. You can win every argument, but if it opens the door to turmoil, brings division & tears you apart in the end you did not win at all & you may have lost a lot.

Peace starts with you; you make the first move. Swallow your pride. Be the bigger person. When you do that, you are sowing a seed, & God will always make it up to you. Sometimes, no matter how much it hurts, you may have to let the other person do it his or her way just so you can avoid unnecessary conflict. It may not be fair. You may know beyond a doubt that you are right & that you are wrong, but that does not matter. Let it go & trust God to make it up to you. If you, choose to keep the peace, even though somebody is doing wrong, God will bless you with abundance. He will bring you out better of than you were previosly.

when we hardheadedly choose to hod on to strife, we are choosing to step of God's protection. We step out of God's blessings & favor. Husband, you need to look at your wife, & see if she is reflecting your glory. Your wife should be strong, confident, secure, beatiful, radiatn, & healthy. You should see it in her smile. You should see it in the way she carries herself.

The highest thoughts give you contains joy. The clearest thoughts give you contains truth. The grandest feeling is feeling of love. Thoughts feelings, worlds, from God are always hifhest thought, clearest wors & grandest feelings. Most powerful message from God is experience which is usually ignored."

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