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Writer's pictureAntica Zovko

Embracing Self-Worth and Letting Go of Blame


This paragraph talks about recognizing and appreciating your own worth after giving others multiple chances to grow and improve, even when they fail to recognize or take those opportunities. It emphasizes the importance of understanding that your kindness and intentions were good, and that it's not your responsibility to fix others' problems. Instead, it encourages focusing on self-care, internal happiness, and letting go of negative feelings and self-blame. Ultimately, it highlights the journey towards realizing your own unique value and finding joy within yourself.

Are you mad at yourself for being kind and giving other people a chance to make things right, to grow, to learn? Don't be. You had good intentions. The fact that they did not recognize it is not a reason to blame yourself for giving them another chance. You gave them another chance not just to help them learn but to make sure that you did all you could for them to grow.

The question now is, did you actually want them to learn? Did you genuinely feel sorry for them being unable to see it when they didn't want to? Or do you feel sorry for giving them chance after chance until you got exhausted and tired of being the good angel? Perhaps you didn't feel your own worth and didn’t understand that it’s not up to you to fix someone’s problems, but to take care of yourself.

What about that feeling of happiness with who you are, appreciating all the grace you’ve received? Have you had a moment when you realized that you alone are enough? Have you reached the point where you understand how unique and special you are? Or are you blaming and pitying yourself for something that didn’t work out, just because you reflected what you saw in them?

It’s time to let go of all those negative vibes and recognize the joy you were born with, which will stay with you forever. Don’t seek happiness externally; look for it within yourself.

The Author, Antica Zovko

Prihvaćanje vlastite vrijednosti i otpuštanje krivnje

Jeste li ljuti na sebe što ste ljubazni i dajete drugim ljudima priliku da poprave stvari, da rastu, da uče? Nemoj biti. Imao si dobre namjere. To što oni to nisu prepoznali nije razlog da sebe krivite što ste im dali još jednu šansu. Dali ste im još jednu priliku ne samo da im pomognete u učenju, već i da učinite sve što možete za njihov rast. Sada se postavlja pitanje jeste li doista željeli da nauče? Je li vam iskreno bilo žao što to nisu mogli vidjeti iako nisu htjeli? Ili vam je žao što ste im davali priliku za prilikom dok se niste iscrpili i umorili od toga da budete dobri anđeo? Možda niste osjećali vlastitu vrijednost i niste shvaćali da nije na vama da rješavate nečije probleme, već da brinete o sebi. Što je s tim osjećajem sreće s onim što jesi, cijeneći svu milost koju si primio? Jeste li imali trenutak kada ste shvatili da ste sami dovoljni? Jeste li došli do točke kada ste shvatili koliko ste jedinstveni i posebni? Ili se krivite i sažalijevate zbog nečega što nije uspjelo, samo zato što ste odražavali ono što ste vidjeli u njima? Vrijeme je da otpustite sve te negativne vibracije i prepoznate radost s kojom ste rođeni, a koja će zauvijek ostati s vama. Ne tražite sreću izvana; potražite ga u sebi.

Autorica, Antica Zovko

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