Forgiveness is something that pulls not only your mistake in life but also the entire events in the life of your ancestors that happened in the long past. First you need to find a reason why you cannot forgive an act or situation. Recently, I experienced a profound change in my thinking. It all started with thinking about the truth of who I am and who my traditions are, so I started digging into the history of my ancestors. I started from my grandfather whom I never met. He died violently under violent circumstances and his last words were so profound that I realized that this was the reason for my suffering. Namely, his concern for the children in his last thoughts shook me so much that it caused a tremendous rush of emotions and tears. At that moment, I didn't know why I was crying so much, so I was sad for a long time that day. In the meantime, it happened that I was talking to a dear person and I realized that I still don't have the strength or confidence that I needed. I was so burdened by it that I couldn't resist strong emotions of anxiety, questions, and searching for answers. I realized that I had to meditate, to calm down and let go of all the negativity, pride, pain and misery that I felt at that moment. I went to bed and began to pray to God all the time. I prayed so fervently until I began to feel peace in my soul. Then I fell into a deep sleep. And instead of a feeling of relief, I had a terrible nightmare. I was looking for reasons in others for my depression, when in fact that depression was coming from the depths of my soul, which I was not even aware of. As soon as I woke up, I started to think in all possible directions what was the reason for such a difficult situation in which I was. I called my mom, who wasn't available for some reason, and then decided to talk to her friend, with whom I get along very well and who is very dear to me. A sincere, honest soul, full of love and understanding listened to my presentation and stated that my difficulty lies not in other people but in myself. I suddenly understood. It was as if a veil of fog had cleared from my head and only one thought occurred to me at that moment. Yeah, that's it. The same words my grandfather spoke before his death that deeply touched my soul were the answer to my centuries of suffering. The truth is that his last words were in fact a strong echo in my soul when, after so many decades, I discovered what was decades away and so important to know. That was my revelation and then I understood why I had suffered for years. This feeling of pain, sadness, emptiness, dissatisfaction, sadness and powerlessness to fight with it is indescribable and leaves deep traces on the course of our entire life and until it is discovered it is not possible to be free, happy, kind, and remain positive. I will not talk about the details, but I want to tell you that if you have such situations in your life, please dig deep into your past and find the reasons for your mistrust, sadness, and the prohibition of access to your heart. Believe me, that burden drags you into the abyss and until you release it, you cannot know all the wonders of this wonderful life. With love, Antica. Write a nice instructive story from this context so that everyone can find themselves in it.
The Author, Antica Zovko
