If you are lost you can find the way by turning from your sin & following God. Often people believe in God & give him gifts of Church attendance or service, while still holding on to their idols of money, power or pleasure. They do not want to miss out on any possible benefits. But God wants all of our lives all of our devotion; he will not share it because devotion to anything else is idol worship.
Be aware of trying to keep God pleased while you also pursue the pleasures of sin. You must chose one or the another. When doing God's work becomes no more important than any mundane task, we are no longer giving God the reverence he desires. Instead of bringing God down to our level, we should live up to his level. We can't praise God & fully sin at the same time.
When we give the appearance of loving God without living his way, we are covering up sins that could eventually damage us beyond repair. God has a way of turning our treatment of others into a boomerang. So we must be careful in our judgements of others. We wont sin if we believe in Jesus Christ. Helping others we are not saved for our own benefit but to serve Christ & build up the Church.
Telling others about Christ God will give you ability, courage & power. Whenever opportunity arrives, make yourself available to God as his servant. As you focus on the other person on his or her needs God will communicate your caring attitude your words will be natural, loving, compelling. Ask God to use your unique gift to contribute to the strength & health of the body of believers. Take heart in all things God works for our good if we love him & care called according to his purpose.
Thank God for your strength that he is building in you through the difficult experiences in your life. You can be sure that God's perfect love will see you through. Seek ways of putting your faith to worst. When trouble comes pray for wisdom. God will supply all that you will need to face persecution or adversity. We are to love & serve those around us. Showing the love to others we are overcoming our selfishness. We are responsible for destructive results of our talk. Think before you speak & allow God to give you self control.
When we face pain do not pretend to be happy, but turn our hardship into time of learning. Instead of complaining about our struggles, we should see them as our opportunity for growth. Be patient. God will not leave you alone with your problems, he will align our desires with his purpose. It is easy to blame others & make excuses for evil thoughts & wrong actions. When we give with no hope of receiving in return, we shaw what it means serve others.
We can resist the temptation to sin by turning to God for strength & choosing to obey his word. If our lives remain unchanged, we don't truly believe the truth we claim to believe. Do not ignore rich but do not favore them either. It is not enough to have a faith, we need to have deeds too. True faith transform our thoughts & change our life. Do not ever judge anyone by his appearance. Do not favorite those once who appear look great.
It is very important what you say & what you do not say. Once you say something that hurts others scars leave for ever. Watch your tongue. The Holy Spirit will give you increasing power to monitor & control what you say. The spirit will remind you of God's love & you wont reach in a hateful manner. When we are criticized the spirit will heal the hurt. Do not compare yourself to others & want what they have.
God opposes the proud but gives grace to humble. Submit ourselves to God & ask him to help us to get rid of selfish desires & trust him to give us what we really need. Keep God in all your plans. Think about your sin. It is a sin to know the truth & not tell it. It is a sin to speak or think evil of someone. It is a sin to avoid someone if you know they need your friendship we should be able to help.
Be patient with yourself, avoid lies. By avoiding lies, half truths & omissions of the truth you will become know as trustworthy person. We should spend our time counting blessings that will be worthville in God's kingdom. Always help who needs help. Do not blame others for our miseries. Happenings depends on happenings & joy depends on Christ. Joy is the quiet confident assurance of God's love & work in our lives.
Laying aside self interest is essential to all our relationships. When we give up our self interest, we can serve with joy, love & kindness. Through Holy Spirit we believe in Christ & become more like Him. Do not let your present situation rob you of the joy knowing Christ or keep you from growing closer to Him. Look for the ways to demonstrate your faith. Whether or not your condition will improve, your faith will grow stronger.
Be an encouragement by the way you live. The best way to influence someone is to pray for him or her. Do not let suffering to tear you down, you have a faith. Do not be concern about making a good impression or meeting your own needs, that you strain relationships in God's family. Do not judge people's spirituality by their fulfilment of duties, or by their level of human activities. We must lay aside anything that way distract us for being effective Christians.
Do not be aloud about our personal rights. Do not seek revenge against those who threat us unfaitly. Turn our worries into prayers. Whenever you start worry stop &pray. God's peace is different from the world's peace. True peace is not found in positive thinking in absence of conflict or in good feelings. It comes from knowing that God is in control. Let God's peace guard your heart against anxiety. Trust God that He will always meet our needs. Whatever we need, He will always supply.
We should never allow difficulties & unpleasant circumstances to turn us away from trusting God. God has not places you in your present position for your own benefit. He put you there to serve Him. Serving God often demands that we risk our own security. God has a purpose for the situation in which he places us. Courage does not replace careful planning.
If you are changing jobs, positions or locations & cant see God's purpose in your situation, understand that God is in control. He maybe placing you in a position so you can help when the need arises. Although God promises to reward our good deeds we sometimes feel our payoff is to far away. Be patient God steps in when it will do the most good.
A person who digs a pit for others will fall into it himself. No matter how hopeless our condition or how much we would like to give up we need not despair. God is in control of our world. No matter how our economic situation is we can love & respect the people God has brought into our lives. In so doing we give & receive blessings. Love is the greatest blessing. Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it is in your power to act.
If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out & not be answered.
We have given two choices. To obey & disobey. There are rewards for choosing to obey & sad consequences for choosing to disobey. When you are faced with the choice always choose to obey. Man gives life to woman. Woman gives life to the world. There is no room to think that one sex is superior to the other.
When we suppose to expose our secret thoughts to God, we break our lines of communication with him. A guilty conscience is a warning signal God placed inside you that goes off when you have done wrong. Let your fear of getting caught be a warning to do right. Correcting yourself in the middle of doing something wrong may bring hurt & disappointment but it also will bring freedom from sin & control.
Patience is hardest when we need it the most but it is the key to achieve our goals. Sin has a way of coming back to hunt us. Even when you are absolutely sure about the matter it is safer to avoid rah statements. Someone may hold you to them. Making a habit of doing more than expected can pay off.
It pleases God, earns recognition & advancement enhances your reputations builds others confidence in you, gives you more experience & knowledge, & develops your spiritual maturity. Do not regret for something you do not have, be thankful for something you have. If it is meant to be it will be in God's time & his way. The time to deal with jealousy is why you notice yourself keeping score of what others have. Often the sins we try to cover up are the once that anger us most when we see them in others. We do not wish to face them. Admit them & ask God to forgive us.
Sexual sin is an act of disobedience against God. When the temptation seem very strong ewe must turn & run. Knowledge of God helps you to interpret dreams know how to help. Do not be silent when you know you should be gibing glory a credit to God. Planning is a responsibility. Sometimes it is best for us to remain quiet even when we would like to have the last word. If you are praying for relief from suffering or pressure & God is not bringing is as quickly as you would like, remember that God maybe leading you to special treasures.
Accepting responsibilities is difficult but it builds character & confidence earns others respect & motivates us to complete our work. When you are ready to give up hope on yourself or others, remember that God can work a complete change in even the most selfish personality. God's son had to be free from the sinful nature passed on to all other human beings by Adam. We call on to tell Jesus all our thoughts, feelings and needs. He has been where we are now & he has ability to help. When our decisions affect the lives of others, we must always seek God's wisdom.
No matter how good we are we cant eliminate sinful nature present in all of us. Only Jesus can do that. Ask him to take control of your life. Your new life begins in that moment. Jesus was God in the flesh. Through the Holy Spirit Christ is present today in the life of every believer. We must choose to obey God rather that seek the approval of others. Divine guidance comes only to prepared hearts. When you are tempted (physical needs & desire, possessions & power, pride) turn to Jesus for strength.
Manu of our desires are normal & good. God wants us to satisfy them in the right way & the right time. Live by faith not by magic. Do not manipulate God by asking for signs. There is no sin too great or too small for Jesus to handle. To find hope & joy follow Jesus no matter what the cost. Broken relationship can hinder our relationship with God. Our attitudes towards others reflect our relationship with God. Pray for those who hurt you.
We should do our good deeds quietly or in secret with no thought of reward. Christ can make a difference when it seems too late for anyone else to help. He can bring healing to broken relationships release from addicting habits & forgiveness & healing to emotional scars. When you think that God is too slow in answering your prayers consider that might be testing you. When we pray for something God answers our prayers by using us. Be prepared for God to use you to show another person the way to him. Whatever we give Jesus talent, time, treasure, our resources became multiplied.
When we face a difficult situation, remember how God cared for you & trust him to work faithfully again. If we protect ourselves from pain then we begin to die spiritually & emotionally. It is the power of God not our faith that moves mountains but faith must be presented to do so. Christianity is not for people who think they are already good. It is for people who know they have failed & want help.
Whatever you ask for in your prayer believe that you have received it & it will be yours. When you start praying if you hold anything against anyone forgive them so that your father in heaven may forgive you your sins also. Christ Kingdom is spiritual. It begins not with the overthrow of governments but with the overthrow of sin in people's hearts.
Sometimes we believe that our problems will keep us from God but he is always ready to help. We should never allow our fear to keep us from approaching him. Faith that isn't put into action is not faith at all. If you are in crisis that makes you feel confused, afraid, & just believe look at your problem from Jesus point of view. He is the source of all hope & promise.
Spend time with whoever needed or wanted to hear his message poor, rich, bad, good. Befriend those who need Christ, even if they don't seem to be ideal companion. Are there people you have been neglecting because of their reputation. They maybe the once who most need to see & hear the message of Christ's love in and from you. What you do under pressure often shows what you are really like. Words are powerful & they can lead to a great sin. We should use them with a great care.
A situation that seems impossible with human resources is simply an opportunity for God. So do what you can & ask God to do the rest. He may see fit to make the impossible happen. The next time you are in deep water remember that Christ knows your struggle & cares for you. In times for fear & uncertainty it is calming to know that Christ is always with us. To recognize Christ presence antidote for fear.
We should give money & time to God & we must never use God as one excuse to neglect our responsibilities. Helping others in need is one of the most important ways to honor God. We have God's word - The bible to give us the full meaning of Jesus death & resurrection. We have no excuse for our unbelief. Victory over sin & temptation comes through faith in Jesus Christ not through our own efforts. Faith is a gift from God. No matter how much faith we have we never reach the point of being self sufficient. Growing in faith is a constant process of daily renewing our trust in Jesus. Prayer is the key that unlocks faith in our lives. Harming others or failing to care for them is a sin even if they are unimportant people in the world's eyes.
When you love God completely & care for others as you care for yourself then you have fulfilled the intent of the ten commandments that summarize all of God's laws. Let them rule your thoughts, decisions & actions. When you are uncertain about what to do ask yourself which course of action best demonstrates love for God & love for others. God & his word provides the only stability in our unstable world. The way to prepare is to study God's word & live by its instructions each day. Only then you will be ready.
When you are invited take the lowest place so that when your host comes, he will say to you: Friend move up to a better place. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled & he who humbles himself will be exalted. Don't be silent when you should be giving glory & credit to God. If sorrow weights you down, & dims your hope, think of Mary & wait patiently for God to finish working out his plan. Do not wait to see the bottom line before offering your life to God. Offer yourself willingly even when outcomes seems disastrous. Although God has unlimited power he chooses to work through trial humans who begins as helpless babies.
When we do God's will we are not guaranteed a comfortable life. But we are promised that everything even our discomfort has meaning in God's plan. The fact that something is not wrong in itself does not mean that is good for you at a given time. Trusting in our own power we feel like little need of God. To avoid this trap, we must realize that our strengths are God's gifts to us & we must dedicate those strengths to his service. God gives us health so that we may serve others. For better or worse our faith affects others. We cannot make another person a Christian, but we can do much through our words, actions & love to give him or her a chance to respond.
The money we give others would be considered as a gift not as a high interest loan that will help us more than them. Give as you are giving through God. A forgiving spirit demonstrates that person has received God's forgiveness. We are to love others not to judge them. Our care for others is an measure of our greatness. Only faith can free us from anxiety caused by greed & covetousness. It is bad to dwell on all the way our planing could go wrong. Worry is pointless because it can't fill any of our needs. Worry is foolish because the Creator of the Universe loves us &knows what we need. He promises to met all our needs bur necessary all our dreams.