The only people who get upset about you setting boundaries are the ones who were benefiting from you having none.
If you are feeling drained, tired, stressed out, and exhausted it may be because you need to learn how to set some boundaries in your life and relationships. Sometimes because we allow others to dictate our lives more than we should, it can drain us of the energy we need for ourselves.
We need to choose better relationships.
We are able to enter into relationships that support us in our own personal growth and healing.
We need to more connect with ourselves and be more in control of our lives.
We are able to live for ourselves, rather than through this desire to please other people.
We are able to say “no” to that job that is potentially wearing us out by working overtime for little pay.
We are able to say “yes” to taking new career path without getting locked into feelings of guilt or “what other people will think.