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The Magic Circle: Embracing Growth Beyond Fear

Writer's picture: Antica ZovkoAntica Zovko

When two souls cross paths, it’s never by chance. Whether the encounter is fleeting or profound, every interaction offers a great opportunity to grow. The universe orchestrates these meetings, giving us a choice: to embrace the journey and uncover its lessons or to walk away, unaware of the treasures that could have been discovered.

Sometimes, the bond between two individuals feels unbreakable, pulling them together in ways that defy logic. You might wonder why you persist and instead give up when challenges arise. The truth is, that these connections often hold the key to our evolution. Yet, not everyone is ready to walk this path. Fear, past wounds, and resistance to change can create barriers, preventing one—or both—from exploring the possibilities that could transform their lives.

Instead of moving forward, many find themselves caught in a cycle—a “magic circle” of repeating patterns. They blame fate, the universe, or even each other, unwilling to take the first step toward breaking free. This stagnation is often fueled by old thinking and unresolved pain, which generate negative energy and cloud our ability to see the opportunities around us.

At the heart of this struggle is a lack of trust. People fail to believe in the divine power within themselves—the spark of God that resides in each of us. They cling to their comfort zones, unable to imagine that something better, something more beautiful, awaits them just beyond their fears. This hesitation, this refusal to take a leap of faith, keeps so many stuck in the same place for years, sometimes even a lifetime.

I know this because I have been there too. I’ve claimed growth and wisdom and learned much along the way. But still, there’s a part of me feels the weight of stagnation, as though I’m anchored in place by something unseen. I often ask myself, Is it me holding myself back, or is there something greater at play?

While the answers may not come immediately, one truth remains certain: faith is the foundation of life. Faith in ourselves, in the journey, and in the divine guidance that nudges us forward, even when we feel lost. How strong is your faith? How deeply do you believe in the possibility of something greater?

If you’re reading this, perhaps it’s a reminder to take that first step—to trust that there’s more waiting for you beyond what you currently know. Life’s magic unfolds when we dare to leave the safety of what is familiar and embrace the unknown with open hearts.

So, ask yourself: Are you ready to break the circle? Are you willing to believe that healing, growth, and a better version of your life are within reach? Trust the process. Trust yourself. And most importantly, trust that the universe always has a plan—even when it’s hard to see.

The journey may be uncertain, but isn’t that where all great adventures begin?

The Author, Antica Zovko

Magični Krug: Prihvaćanje Rasta Izvan Straha

Kada se dvije duše sretnu, to nikada nije slučajno. Bilo da je susret prolazan ili dubok, svaka interakcija nudi veliku priliku za rast. Svemir orkestrira ova okupljanja, dajući nam izbor: prihvatiti putovanje i otkriti njegove lekcije ili otići, nesvjesni blaga koje smo mogli otkriti.

Ponekad se povezanost između dvoje ljudi čini nepobjedivom, privlačeći ih jedno drugo na načine koji odudaraju od logike. Možda se pitate zašto ustrajete i dalje, a ipak odustajete kada se pojave izazovi. Istina je da ove veze često drže ključ naše evolucije. Ipak, nisu svi spremni krenuti tim putem. Strah, prošle rane i otpor prema promjenama mogu stvarati prepreke, sprečavajući jednu ili obje strane da istraže mogućnosti koje bi mogle transformirati njihov život.

Umjesto da idu naprijed, mnogi se nađu zarobljeni u ciklusu—„magičnom krugu“ ponavljajućih obrazaca. Krive sudbinu, svemir ili čak jedno drugo, ne želeći poduzeti prvi korak prema oslobođenju. Ova stagnacija često je potaknuta starim načinima razmišljanja i neriješenim bolima, koji stvaraju negativnu energiju i zamagljuju našu sposobnost da vidimo prilike oko nas.

U srcu ove borbe leži nedostatak povjerenja. Ljudi ne vjeruju u božansku snagu unutar sebe—iskru Boga koja prebiva u svakome od nas. Drže se svojih zona komfora, nesposobni da zamisle da nešto bolje, nešto ljepše, čeka na njih samo iza njihovih strahova. Ova nesklonost, ovaj odbijanje da naprave skok vjere, drži mnoge zarobljene na istom mjestu godinama, ponekad cijeli život.

Znam to jer sam i sama bila tamo. Postigla sam rast i mudrost i puno naučila na tom putu. No, ipak, postoji dio mene koji osjeća težinu stagnacije, kao da sam usidrena na mjestu zbog nečega nevidljivog. Često se pitam, je li to ja koja sebe zaustavljam ili postoji nešto veće što djeluje?

Iako odgovori možda neće doći odmah, jedna istina ostaje sigurna: vjera je temelj života. Vjera u sebe, u putovanje i u božansko vođenje koje nas gura naprijed, čak i kada se osjećamo izgubljeno. Koliko je snažna vaša vjera? Koliko duboko vjerujete u mogućnost nečega većeg?

Ako ovo čitate, možda je to podsjetnik da poduzmete prvi korak—da vjerujete da postoji nešto više, što čeka na vas izvan onoga što sada poznajete. Magija života otkriva se kada se odvažimo napustiti sigurnost onoga što je poznato i prihvatimo nepoznato s otvorenim srcem.

Dakle, pitajte se: Jeste li spremni prekinuti krug? Jeste li spremni vjerovati da su isceljenje, rast i bolja verzija vašeg života na dohvat ruke? Vjerujte u proces. Vjerujte u sebe. I najvažnije, vjerujte da svemir uvijek ima plan—čak i kada je teško vidjeti.

Putovanje možda nije sigurno, ali zar to nije početak svih velikih avantura?

Autorica, Antica Zovko



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