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Writer's pictureAntica Zovko

The Unforeseen Path of Dreams

There are a few things I would like to share. Last night, I had a dream about the director of a company where, in the dream, I was employed. He was an older man with gray hair and gentle yet resolute features. At one point, he called me over, and as we stood there, looking at each other, he briefly asked me why I was there. What were my qualifications when I applied to work at that company? I paused to think, and he immediately said he understood and that I didn't need to answer. Suddenly, I began to justify myself, explaining how hardworking I was, how I knew how to do everything, and that nothing was foreign to me considering my artistic and business backgrounds, for which I was also certified. He simply said that I didn't belong there and asked me what I loved doing the most. I just looked at him, and with great and immense relief but also excitement, I answered that I loved writing very much, that it filled me with immense joy. I share my experiences hoping they can help someone. Then he suddenly asked, "What about your dreams? Have you ever thought about writing about your dreams and interpreting them? Maybe that's what would truly fulfill you." I was stunned by his observation and suddenly realized he was right. I woke up with the realization that writing, which didn’t come naturally to me but had always lingered within me, was powerfully inspired by many traumas and falls in my life. This dream opened my eyes and showed me a path to something new and unknown, yet somehow familiar. Maybe this is my future calling, my journey into the unknown, but somehow so known. Maybe my mission will indeed open someone's eyes and help them seek themselves in the sea of life’s situations, which, like a storm at sea, bring only turbulence and no peace and calm where we can lose ourselves and not see who we are and what we are. I know my dreams are of great significance; they are strange, and each of them holds a secret that must be decoded to be understood. Now I see that this is very interesting and that I should seriously consider this. Pay attention to your dreams; they are your guide, your knowledge, and your answers to the future.

The Author, Antica Zovko

Nepredvidjeni Put Snova

Ima nekoliko stvari koje bih želio podijeliti. Sinoć sam sanjao direktora firme u kojoj sam u snu bio zaposlen. Bio je to stariji čovjek sijede kose i nježnih, ali odlučnih crta lica. U jednom trenutku me pozvao k sebi i dok smo stajali, gledajući se, kratko me upitao zašto sam tu. Koje su bile moje kvalifikacije kada sam se prijavio za posao u toj tvrtki? Zastala sam da razmislim, a on je odmah rekao da razumije i da ne trebam odgovarati. Odjednom sam se počeo pravdati, objašnjavati kako sam vrijedan, kako sve znam raditi i da mi ništa nije strano s obzirom na moje umjetničko i poslovno iskustvo, za koje sam također dobio certifikat. Jednostavno je rekao da mi tu nije mjesto i pitao me što najviše volim raditi. Samo sam ga pogledala i s velikim i golemim olakšanjem ali i uzbuđenjem odgovorila da jako volim pisati, da me to ispunjava neizmjernom radošću. Dijelim svoja iskustva u nadi da mogu nekome pomoći. Zatim je iznenada upitao: "Što je s tvojim snovima? Jeste li ikada razmišljali o tome da o svojim snovima pišete i tumačite ih? Možda bi vas to uistinu ispunilo." Bio sam zapanjen njegovim opažanjem i odjednom sam shvatio da je bio u pravu. Probudila sam se sa spoznajom da je pisanje, koje mi nije bilo prirodno nego je oduvijek ostalo u meni, snažno inspirirano mnogim životnim traumama i padovima. Ovaj san mi je otvorio oči i pokazao put u nešto novo i nepoznato, a opet nekako poznato. Možda je to moj budući poziv, moj put u nepoznato, ali nekako tako poznato. Možda će moja misija doista nekome otvoriti oči i pomoći mu da potraži sebe u moru životnih situacija, koje kao oluja na moru donose samo nemire, a nikako mir i spokoj gdje se možemo izgubiti i ne vidjeti tko smo i što smo su. Znam da su moji snovi od velikog značaja; oni su čudni i svaki od njih ima tajnu koja se mora dešifrirati da bi se razumjela. Sada vidim da je ovo vrlo zanimljivo i da bih o tome trebao ozbiljno razmisliti. Obratite pažnju na svoje snove; oni su vaš vodič, vaše znanje i vaši odgovori za budućnost.

Autorica, Antica Zovko

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