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Writer's pictureAntica Zovko

The unique needs and strength of both men and women to achieve happiness in relationships

Updated: Jan 18, 2024

In a fulfilling relationship, both partners embrace their natural gender roles. When internal balance is disrupted, it often stems from fear. This imbalance leads to misunderstandings between men and women, affecting their physical and emotional well-being. Men and women have complementary biological roles. Men are wired to love, protect, and care for their partners, while women seek protection and love from their male counterparts. Men are action-oriented, offering love and protection without needing to ask for it. In contrast, women thrive in good relationships, deriving their sense of security and happiness from them. Men's nature is competitive, aiming to prove themselves as desirable to women. Dominance often stems from this competition. Society benefits from strong masculinity during challenging times, as weaker masculinity can lead to societal decline. Men prioritize action over words and define themselves through their deeds. Women, on the other hand, find security in their relationships and need a man's trust. Women set the conditions in a relationship, while men manage it by meeting those conditions. A man's role is to ensure a woman's happiness, guiding her through life. Effective communication can be challenging due to differences in how men and women think. Therefore, it's crucial for each gender to embrace their natural tendencies and provide what their partner needs for a happy relationship.

Author, Antica Zovko

Jedinstvene potrebe i snage kako muškaraca tako i žena u postizanju sreće u odnosima

U ispunjavajućem odnosu, oba partnera prihvaćaju svoje prirodne rodne uloge. Kada unutarnja ravnoteža bude narušena, često proizlazi iz straha. Ova neravnoteža dovodi do nesporazuma između muškaraca i žena, utječući na njihovo fizičko i emocionalno blagostanje.
Muškarci i žene imaju dopunjavajuće biološke uloge. Muškarci su programirani da vole, štite i brinu se za svoje partnere, dok žene traže zaštitu i ljubav od svojih muških partnera. Muškarci su usmjereni na djelovanje, nudeći ljubav i zaštitu bez potrebe da za to pitaju. Nasuprot tome, žene cvjetaju u dobrim odnosima, iz kojih crpe svoj osjećaj sigurnosti i sreće. Priroda muškaraca je natjecateljska, s ciljem da se dokažu kao poželjni ženama. Dominacija često proizlazi iz ove natjecateljske naravi. Drustvo ima koristi od snažne muškosti tijekom izazovnih vremena, jer slabija muškost može dovesti do društvenog propadanja. Muškarci stavljaju akciju ispred riječi i definiraju se kroz svoja djela. S druge strane, žene nalaze sigurnost u svojim odnosima i trebaju povjerenje muškarca.
Žene postavljaju uvjete u odnosu, dok ih muškarci upravljaju ispunjavajući te uvjete. Muška uloga je osigurati sreću žene, voditi je kroz život. Učinkovita komunikacija može biti izazovna zbog razlika u načinu razmišljanja muškaraca i žena. Stoga je ključno da svaki spol prihvati svoje prirodne tendencije i pruži ono što njihov partner treba za sretan odnos.

Authorica, Antica Zovko
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