Today's topic are some thoughts about unfaithfulness! The author is unknown.
We lose our appreciation for our special relationship with God & pursue dreams & goals that do not include Him. When we compromise our Christian life style & adopt the ways of the world, we are being unfaithful.
Do not let prosperity, love of power, pleasure, money or recognition diminish your love for God or let success blind you to your need for His love.
When we break God's law in full awareness of what we are doing our hearts become hardened to the sin and our relationship with God is broken.
Both, spiritual & physical adultery are against the God's law. Spiritual & physical adultery begin with disappointment & dissatisfaction either real or imagined with one already existing relationship. The feeling that God disappoints can lead you away from Him. Feeling of disappointment & dissatisfaction are normal & when endured will pass.
Spiritual & physical adultery begin with diverting affection from one object of devotion to another. The diverting of our affection is the first step in the building process that leads to sin.
Spiritual & physical adultery involve a process of deterioration it is not usually an impulsive decision. The process is dangerous because you don't always realize it is happening until is too late. Spiritual & physical adultery involve the creation of a fantasy about what a new object of love can do for you.
Such fantasy creates unrealistic expectations of what a new relationship can do & only leads to disappointments in all existing & future relationships. There is not always a direct cause & effect relationship between our actions & the problems we face. Nevertheless, when we are surrounded with difficulties, we should seriously ask, "Have I done anything sinful or irresponsible that has caused my suffering?" If we discover that we are at fault, even partially we must change our ways before God will help us.
The drive to be free from all restrictions can move us completely out of God's will. Persistent sin hardens a person's heart, making it difficult to repent. Deliberately choosing to disobey God can bear the consequences. Each sin makes the next one easier to commit. Don't allow sin to groove a hard path deep with you. Stir as far away from sinful practices as possible.
Arrogance keeps a person from returning to God because arrogance acknowledges no need of help from anyone, human or divine. Pride intensifies all our other sins because we cannot repent of any of them without first giving up our pride. Life without God is unreliable. Without God's direction, our thoughts are filled with lust, cheating, selfishness, & deceit. As long as we are wrapped by sin, we will never reach our true potential.
People look everywhere except to God for happiness & fulfillment, pursuing possessions, activities, & relationships. In reality, only God can truly satisfy the deep longings of the soul. Look first to heaven, to the Most High God. He'll meet your spiritual needs, not all your materialistic wants.
The more prosperous we are the more love it lavished on idols. It seams as the more God gives, the more we spend. We want bigger houses, better cars, & finer clothes. The finest things the world offers line the pathway to destruction. As you prosper, consider where your money is going. Is it going to be used for God's purposes or are you consuming it all on yourself. When we seek security in anything except God, we expose ourselves to great danger. Without God there is no lasting security.
When our will is weak, when our thinking is confused, & when our conscience is burdened with a load of quilt, we must remember that God cares for us continually. His compassion never fails. When friends & family deserts us, when coworker does not understand us, & when we are tired of being good, God's compassion never fails. When we can't see the way or seem to hear God's voice, & when we lack courage to go on, God's compassion never fails. When our shortcoming & our awareness of our sins overcome us, God's compassion never fails.